Steve Hurley mature reliable pet sitter Fearrington VIllage Pittsboro

My name is Steve Hurley. I live in Fearrington Village and love spending time with furry and feathery creatures. I can pet sit for you in my home or yours. I have always bonded easily with animals. One of my clients calls me the “animal whisperer” because her hyper dog settles so easily when he’s with me.

I’m mature and reliable and offer reasonable rates for walking, visiting and overnight stays.

20 min walks/visits starting at

$15 travel charge after 10 miles

Overnight at your place or mine starting at

$35 travel charge after 10 miles

What my customers are saying

Steve has done pet sitting for me numerous times both for Harley my cat and Lola my dog. My animals are my family and so I am very discerning about who I let care for them while I am away. When they are with Steve I am so confidant that they are well cared for and given lots of attention that I am now able to leave town without being concerned about the experience my “kids” are having. For me that’s a dream come true!

Cathy Holt, Cathy Holt Yoga
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